她善变,狡黠如狐;她无赖,行径不良。她是第一女将,亦是寻常男子消受不起的妖孽红颜。成亲之日被算计,由嫡妻变为妾室。让她忍辱负重?开玩笑!是圣意又如何?拔剑相逼,即刻下堂。如此狂妄,令人望而生畏。--他是一人之下万人之上的摄政王,独独钟情于她。她春风得意之时,他气她,捉弄她。她婚变之后,他娶她,天下为媒。成亲之前,她约法三章,他忍。成亲之后,她日日想跑,他哄。她嫌日子太闷,把王府闹腾的鸡犬不宁,没关系,他纵容。她心血来潮,要帮他纳妾,他怒,休想!【片段】洞房花烛夜,两人难得的开始谦让起来:“王妃请。”“王爷请。”几次之后,某女烦了,不由分说握住他湛白修长的手,用随身携带的匕首割破他手指,将血迹滴在喜床的白绫之上,随后懒洋洋倒下身去,“好了,可以就寝了。”某男咂舌:“这作假之事,你也好意思用为夫的血?!”Magic and Other Misdemeanors (Sisters Grimm #5)
Daphne, Sabrina, and Puck's most magic-filled mysteryThe latest addition to the New York Times bestselling series, which Kirkus Reviews calls "memorable and madcap"In book five of the series, Sabrina and Daphne Grimm are ready to tackle their own case: Who is stealing the magical possessions of the most powerful Everafters in town? With Granny distracted by Mayor Heart's campaign against human residents, the girl detectives are on their own. Puss in Boots (now an exterminator), Cinderella (a radio relationship counselor), Sleeping Beauty (owner of a coffee shop), and their old enemy, Prince Charming, are among the many suspects, and one thing is for certain: The villain's plans mean a grim future for the Grimms—truly!