作为南都首富的私生子,贝知洛的童年是过着妈不要,爸不疼的日子,终于有一日,贝家长子的意外离世,令他从见不得光一举成为贝家唯一的继承人。 从此他开始与养母斗,处心积虑,步步为营。与妹妹争,刀刀扎心,势必要她俯首称臣。终于他成为了最终的王。 可他却越来越觉得孤独,只有那个他一直割舍不下的小女人还在他身边,可是他还能得到她的心吗? …… 一天晚上,李秋意说:“阿洛,我们要个孩子吧!” 他沉吟了一瞬,忽然笑容便荡漾开来,他用他的大手覆上李秋意闪烁着星光的大眼睛。 然后李秋意听到他说:“傻丫头,你以为生孩子是可以闹着玩的?” 后来,她又听到他说,他的孩子只会由他的妻子生育。 新书《系统重生之房东小姐超甜的》已开,欢迎大家围观~
苏眉是一个没有记忆的人,随着系统进入各种界面攻略……等等!为神马别人都可以向系统撒娇卖萌捞好处,跟系统相亲相爱,为毛她的系统就是硬邦邦冷冰冰毫无人性冷酷无情的?!说好的萌萌哒系统呢?传说帅气酷霸拽狂的可勾搭系统君在哪里?!嘤嘤她还是寻找她的记忆去吧……简介无能,进坑看文Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
'A comic novel on the grand scale written with tremendous confidence and verve. Mario, 18-year-old law student and radio news-editor, falls scandalously for his Aunt Julia, the 32-year-old divorced wife of a cousin, and the progressively lunatic story of this affair is interwoven with episodes from a series of radio soap-operas written by his friend Pedro Comacho. Vargas Llosa's huge energy and inventiveness is extravagant and fabulously funny.'闪婚100分:私藏娇妻有点甜
出了车祸成了‘残废’还被迫接手渣男成为未婚夫?订婚宴上贱女大着肚子来抱不平?更奇葩的是,有个强势、霸道、甚至有点暖、还有点妖的男人说:“墨青衣,和我结婚!”墨青衣:“我拒绝。”外公专制,生父无情,同父异母的妹妹一心想要取代她……墨青衣觉得,似乎,安昊宸这个男人也不错。Soldier, Brother, Sorcerer (Of Crowns and Glory—Bo
"Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (regarding Rise of the Dragons).SOLDIER, BROTHER, SORCERER is book #5 in Morgan Rice's bestselling epic fantasy series OF CROWNS AND GLORY, which begins with SLAVE, WARRIOR, QUEEN (Book #1).