为救初恋李牧,14岁的少女武如意入宫,在净初池畔畔遭遇当朝天子李世民,武如意的一句话竟改变了李家王朝的江山,从此她成了霍乱宫闱的妖女。死亡、酷刑笼罩着她,疏离、谎言包裹着她。她被赐名武媚娘,一步步在宫中行走,韦妃的残酷、杨妃的伪善、徐慧的背叛、长孙无忌的忌惮、李世民的选择……这一切差点将她逼上绝路。和当朝天子分分合合的虐恋让她明白爱情不能保护自己,要活下去,唯有权力,从此,她走上了不归路。但她忘了,身边还有一个守护她多年的李治。再次遭遇爱情,如今,要在江山和真爱中做出选择的是她自己,武媚娘该何去何从!7 Steps to Midnight
Government mathematician Chris Barton lives a routine life—until, at the end of an ordinary workday, he finds his car missing from the employee parking lot. When he finally arrives home, there is a stranger living in his house—a man who claims to be him. Thrust suddenly into a surreal world where the evidence of his senses cannot be trusted and strangers are trying to kill him, Chris must avoid violent assassins while following a trail of cryptic clues to regain his life.千面邪凰至尊全系召唤师
他们是世界上最强的千面杀手组合,令人闻风丧胆,而他亦是影视界的超级巨星,她亦是闻名黑白两道的女厨王,一场致命的阴谋,令他们纷纷穿越。你说我没有圣兽,我可是万兽之王,神兽,超神兽,勾勾手就来,你说你有珍贵丹药,我丹药一练一大把,都当糖豆吃,你说你是两系天才,我让你知道什么是真正的妖孽,全系召唤师外加魔武双修,你说你有魔族做靠山,切!魔帝都是我干儿子。(本文是重写,男女主都是穿越过来的,没有背叛,男女主没有废柴,请求收藏和支持)Sweet Second Love
Two years ago, when Linda Kendall's husband and children died in a tragic car accident, she wished she had died too--and believed that her life was over. When she accepts the position of nanny to the Conde Duarte de Dominga's three young charges, she believes she will never again feel passion for another man.But the Conde teaches her differently. Charming and handsome, his presence fills Linda with a desire she'd believed herself incapable of--and reminds her of the joys of being alive. And when he proposes marriage, Linda is tempted to accept. But can she allow herself to love again--and open up her heart once more to loss?