屠格涅夫的全名是伊凡·谢尔盖耶维奇·屠格涅夫,他生于公元1818年,死于1883年;俄国彼得堡大学哲学系语文专业毕业,又曾在德国柏林大学学习哲学、历史、希腊文和拉丁文。他在19世纪中期俄国剧烈的政治思想斗争与冲突中,属于自由主义派别,他反对农奴制度,却不赞成当时俄国的革命民主主义者车尔尼雪夫斯基等人的观点,他寄希望于自上而下的改革。然而,由于他对广大农奴和下层劳苦大众的深厚同情,以及他的文学天赋,他的作品真实而深刻地反映了当时俄国社会的现实,受到广泛的肯定和喜爱,即使是沙皇政府和主张暴力革命的人士,都不得不承认他是一位伟大的作家,欣赏他优美的文笔,并且赞赏他的人道主义精神。Magic and Other Misdemeanors (Sisters Grimm #5)
Daphne, Sabrina, and Puck's most magic-filled mysteryThe latest addition to the New York Times bestselling series, which Kirkus Reviews calls "memorable and madcap"In book five of the series, Sabrina and Daphne Grimm are ready to tackle their own case: Who is stealing the magical possessions of the most powerful Everafters in town? With Granny distracted by Mayor Heart's campaign against human residents, the girl detectives are on their own. Puss in Boots (now an exterminator), Cinderella (a radio relationship counselor), Sleeping Beauty (owner of a coffee shop), and their old enemy, Prince Charming, are among the many suspects, and one thing is for certain: The villain's plans mean a grim future for the Grimms—truly!