时装设计师秦小鱼被渣男害得死不瞑目。重生的她穿到25岁小寡妇身上,抑郁症带俩娃,重点是生活在八十年代。没享受过家庭温暖的秦小鱼被五岁儿子感化,她决定带两个娃好好活下去。她开启了彪悍人生:开美容学校,收购服装厂,创建时装帝国……呃,这也叫女首富养成计划。她的人品和情商就是最好的金手指。身边的那些人,不管是奸的,恶的,坏的,脾气暴的,不好相处的,自私的,软弱的最后统统都老老实实的,鱼姐发财途中顺便教做人。噫?不知不觉身边多了一个人,累时让她靠,冷时给她取暖。他还说,我要帮你养娃!于是新生活开始了,说好的事业与家庭不可兼得,那是不存在的,鱼姐全部都要……The Funny Thing
The Funny Thing is Wanda Gág's follow-up to her well-loved classic,Millions of m.wkkk.net tells the story of a curious dragonlike"aminal"that eats children's dolls.A kindly man named Bobo cannot stand by and allow this to m.wkkk.net entices it to eat the concoction"jum-jills".House Divided (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 7)
“One of the best thrillers I have read this year. The plot is intelligent and will keep you hooked from the beginning. The author did a superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. I can hardly wait for the sequel.”--Books and Movie Reviews (re Any Means Necessary)HOUSE DIVIDED is book #7 in the USA Today bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (Book #1), a free download with over 500 five star reviews!A passenger jet is attacked in northern Africa by terrorists wielding RPGs, resulting in an enormous loss of life. Yet U.S. intelligence reports this is merely a distraction, a prelude to a worse terror incident.