现代白富美穿越成为古代懒惰农妇阿绣。阿绣有个老实的相公,可是被官府抓去当兵打仗了。家里还有一个疼爱一双小姑子的婆婆。家徒四壁,每顿吃青草野菜,日子过的真苦逼!且大嫂和二嫂还来时不时的刁难,母亲姜氏风韵犹存还想给她找后爹,突然有一日,老实的相公平步青云,帅气的荣归故里了,只是…他的出现给了阿绣一个惊天大霹雳!尼玛?相公要休她?以前胡乱救的美男们还来捣乱,这日子还怎么过?且看现代白富美如何在古代当农妇发家致富斗小人,觅真爱!此文一对一,男女主身心干净!欢迎亲们跳坑。某精彩片段:“婶婶,门外那个叔叔好漂亮,你若是改嫁就选他吧,我支持你哦!”某小孩开心的咬着糖葫芦说道。“笨!男人漂亮有什么用?又不能当糖葫芦吃!”某女微笑着抚摸着隆起的腹部,抬手敲了小孩子额头上一个爆栗,磨牙道。“婶婶,你上回还说男人漂亮可以当小倌伺候女人的,怎么…啊…痛啊…婶婶!”某小孩的粉嫩小脸立马被某女揉捏了一把。“绣绣,我很乐意伺候你当你的专属小倌!”某美男颀长的身姿翩跹的走来,他笑着轻摇着手中的纸扇,暧昧的说道。“滚,大白天胡说什么?”某女闻言,小脸倏然飞上两朵红云…◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆推荐雪儿完结v文《随身空间之农妇大小姐》链接:Ride The Nightmare
At 32, Chris Martin lives a conventional life. He's married with a daughter, runs his own small business, and is working to save up money for a bigger home with his wife, Helen. He is happy and content with this staid but comfortable existence—until a late weeknight phone call turns everything upside down.Chris hasn't always been the model family man he appears to be. And when his past catches up to him, the terror comes into his home—just where he thought he was safest. As Chris finds all that he loves under attack, he must go to heroic lengths to keep his family and his life together.