本文是一个典型的比较文学影响研究的课题。从比较的视角,综合运用理论分析、文本分析、社会批评、实证研究、文化研究等批评方法,对西方互文性理论及其在中国的译介、传播、影响和研究等方面进行全面深入的考察和研究。本文所探讨的互文性仅限于文学创作与文学理论方面的研究层面,对于国内出现的从语篇分析角度进行的诸多研究中只是在必要时提及,不进行深入研究和探讨。目前互文性在中国的研究还属于起步阶段,迄今为止只出版了一部专著,国内对互文性的研究和探讨可以说还处于有待深化和提升的阶段,因此本文将用较为浓重的笔墨对互文性理论的前历史、其在法国的诞生、其在欧美的流变及其理论本身的特点进行追根溯源、系统梳理和详尽描述Old Times
Old Times was first presented by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Aldwych Theatre, London, on 1 June 1971. It was revived at the Donmar Warehouse, London, in July 2004.'Old Times is a joyous, wonderful play that people will talk about as long as we have a theatre.' New York Times' What am I writing about? Not the weasel under the cocktail cabinet … I can sum up none of my plays. I can describe none of them, except to say: that is what happened. This is what they said. That is what they did.' Harold Pinter