都说鱼和熊掌不可兼得,爱情和名利双收艰难,其实,只要走对了路,何尝不能兼得鱼和熊掌,双收爱情名利?她,鬼马精灵,医药世家百年难遇的奇才,但在遇上那个冷若冰山蛮不讲理的他时,她轻启唇瓣,“没几个人能走进我的心里,你算一个。”他凝眸,眸光闪过一丝期翼,“你对我用的药,我希望它的保质期是一万年。”--情节虚构,请勿模仿Second Chances
Second Chances is a hopeful and thoughtful compendium of anecdotes from people who have wanted another chance at something—and have taken it. It's the big stuff like going back to college after the kids have grown up, as well as the little things like getting a judo belt when you thought you could hardly manage a push-up. The book collects the hopeful examples of people who found a leg up, another spurt of energy, a hidden talent, or even an untapped strength, sometimes with the unexpected help of friends or strangers. Combining the feel-good qualities of One Good Deed and the crowdsourcing methods of Like My Mother Always Said, Erin McHugh's latest book is an inspirational guide about letting the future win over the past.黄冈国家地理标志产品开发战略研究