他是天潢贵胄,康熙九子,天下第一皇商,文武双全,机敏过人,却无心问鼎帝位,醉心黄白之物,富可敌国。她是京城贵女,名门之后,绝色冠盖皇城,诗词皆通,通史晓略,却带有前世记忆,无心夺嫡纷争,只愿平安。躲不过的命数,一朝圣旨颁下,她董鄂·漪岚配做皇九子嫡福晋,天命不可违。看一代奇女子的大清皇室沉浮,揭一代皇商的传奇一生。执子之手,永不言弃。你赢,我陪你君临天下,你输,我陪你此生无悔。Tim Gunn
"There seems to be no one more qualified or equipped to ponder or even, dare I say, dictate 'quality, taste, and style' than Tim." -Sarah Jessica Parker, actor/producerTelevision has introduced the world to a new fashion authority: Tim Gunn. As Bravo's style mentor and Chair of the Fashion Design Department at Parsons The New School for Design, Tim delivers advice in a frank, witty, and authoritative manner that delights wkkk.net readers can benefit from Tim's considerable fashion wisdom in Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste & Style. He discusses every aspect of creating and maintaining your personal style: how to dress for various occasions, how to shop (from designer to chain to vintage stores), how to pick a fashion mentor, how to improve your posture, find the perfect fit, and more. He'll challenge every reader-whether a seasoned fashionista or a style neophyte-to "make it work!"