线下教育的领导者新东方在它最近公布的Q2财报中显示,公司净亏损达到1580万美元,这是自2007年以来的首次亏损。有人据此说线下教育的寒冬将至,互联网线上教育将迎来春天。据业内人士估测,2015年中国平均每天有7、8个有关移动教育的互联网产品诞生。随着互联网教育类移动应用的井喷式爆发,大量产品涌入用户视野,难免出现良莠不齐的情况。A Topps League Story
It's Chad's first spring as a batboy, and the Pine City Porcupines are hot—until they come up against the league-leading Heron Lake Humdingers. Now Chad's got a whole lineup of problems: his favorite player, shortstop Mike Stammer, thinks he's jinxed; Dylan, the other batboy, doesn't even like baseball; there's a goofy new porcupine mascot on the field; plus, Chad has to fill in as batboy for the Herons. It's a good thing there's something in the cards—his baseball cards, that is—that can help Chad sort it all out.