《中国当代文学经典必读·1996短篇小说卷》选取了1996年最优秀的短篇小说二十余篇,包括史铁生,迟子建,王小波,苏童等茅盾文学奖,鲁迅文学奖得主在内的名家作品。图书主编为中国最权威文学研究机构中国现代文学馆馆长、著名文学评论家吴义勤,他以专业的眼光严格遴选年,每篇都附有专业的评论。Opened Ground
This volume is a much-needed new selection of Seamus Heaney's work, taking account of recent volumes and of the author's work as a translator, and offering a more generous choice from previous volumes. Opened Ground: Poems 1966-1996 comes as close to being a 'Collected Poems' as its author cares to make it. It replaces his New Selected Poems 1966-1987, giving a fuller selection from each of the volumes represented there and adding large parts of those that have appeared since, together with examples of his work as a translator from the Greek, Latin, Italian and other languages. The book concludes with 'Crediting Poetry', the speech with which Seamus Heaney accepted the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature, awarded to him, in the words of the Swedish Academy of Letters, for his 'works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth'.媒体伦理学:案例与道德论据