人生不是在逢场作戏、走马观花,去仔细聆听,耐心品味,等你知道了这些简单的人生哲理,并能够把它消化于内,运用于外,就能够把生命的高度提升到一个新的境界,此时,你的人生之路会豁然开朗。知道一些简单的人生哲理能驱散走人生中的浑浑噩噩,理顺人生中的千丝万缕。抬头瞭望,征途漫漫,哲理在心中,路就在脚下。本书就是将人生的哲理、感悟与生动的故事集于一体,从这些文章里我们能读到智者的睿智、学者的思索、长者的淡薄。这里没有闻而生厌的说教,没有长篇大论的道理,它教我们用一种简单的思维去化解复杂的纷争,用一个简单的心境去面对复杂的人生,简单才是人生的最高境界。The Rise of Germany, 1939-1941
The Second World War is one of the most significant conflicts in history, but for seven decades our understanding of the war has remained mostly fixed, framed by the accounts of participants and an early generation of historians. James Holland, one of the leading young historians of World War II, has spent over a decade conducting new research, interviewing survivors, and exploring archives that have never before been so accessible to unearth forgotten memoirs, letters, and official records. In The Rise of Germany, Holland draws on this research to reconsider the strategy, tactics, and economic, political, and social aspects of the war. The Rise of Germany is a masterful book that redefines our understanding of the opening years of World War II. Beginning with the lead-up to the outbreak of war in 1939 and ending in the middle of 1941 on the eve of Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of Russia, The Rise of Germany is a landmark history of the war on land, in the air, and at sea.