第一次见他,她浑身赤果地被他捆绑在床上,动不动就拿她的性命来开玩笑。熟不知,那是是一场阴谋的开始——身为堂堂的特级品酒师怎么会酒后乱性?说出去岂不要被大众给笑死?她水若冰堂堂的五尺女儿岂能被一个动不动就调戏她,满脑子不知道在想什么的邪恶男子给吃得死死!所以,女人,要雄起!片段一:某女面色绯红,眸色迷离,眉目含春地睨着被压在身下的某男,高傲的笑道:“认,还是不认?”“认又如何,不认又如何?”他倒想知道小妮子想耍什么样的花招。哪知,某女被他的从容给弄得不淡定了,两眼微眯,危险的看着他,看来,不给他一点小小的惩罚是不行的!于是乎——某女奸笑得逞!片段二:“水若冰,你这个疯女人!”寝宫内,某国君主再次被一个手无束鸡之力的女子给狠狠的踹下了龙床。而他的龙威对她无效,眸中的媚光流转:“皇上,咱这不是为了增添乐趣嘛!”踢你下床已经算是便宜你了!“信不信我灭了你九族?”他狂躁的眯眼。“皇上……”某女泪眼斑斑,一副好不可怜的模样指着他背后的纯白的“小猫”道:“先问问我家小可爱肯不肯?”某男浑身发麻地睨着那只庞大的猛兽,“啪”地一声,脚下多了几块红木椅的尸体……片段三:传言:得圣者可安天下,直到幕后黑手浮出水面,她才知晓,阴谋仍在继续上演!她,水若冰也不是好欺负的,看她如何驭神兽,定天下!喜欢的亲一定要收藏呃!坑品绝对有保证!虽然乙女偶尔会抽一阵外来风!Before He Needs (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 5)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes book #5 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE NEEDS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 5), FBI special agent Mackenzie White finds herself summoned to crack a case she has never encountered before: the victim is not a man or a woman—but a couple.The third couple found dead in their homes this month.As Mackenzie and the FBI scramble to figure out who would want happily-married couples dead, her search takes her deep into a disturbing world and subculture. She quickly learns that all is not what it seems behind the picket fences of perfectly-suburban homes—and that darkness lurks at the edge of even the happiest-seeming families.