新书:爆笑小萌宝:仙君,么么哒,已发布,还望大家多多支持~前世,她是一名现代明星金牌保镖,一朝穿越,怎料,却成了朝堂上独当一面的女王爷、沙场上呼风唤雨的‘第一女将’。原以为这一切只是个开始,谁知……直到她在一次青楼之行中无意救下了他,于是,便展开了一段“养成”与“被养成”、“扑”与“被扑”、“吃”与“被吃”的精彩故事。妖孽正太腹黑夫君?绝代神医敌国王爷?……一连串的阴谋与智慧全部接踵而来。他说:“朕爱你,无关乎江山。”而他却说:“我只愿为你,放弃万顷良田。”刀光剑戟,共赴沙场,无怨无悔;笔墨丹青,共度韶华,一心一意;一曲终了后,终是谁先失了心?又是谁先输了情?Before He Preys (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 9)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes BEFORE HE PREYS, book #9 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.FBI Special Agent Mackenzie White finds herself stumped. Victims are turning up dead, unrecognizable, their bodies hurled from the highest of heights. A deranged serial killer, obsessed with heights, is killing his victims from the highest locations. The pattern seems random.But is it?Only by entering into the darkest canals of the killer's mind can Mackenzie begin to understand what his motive is—and where he will strike next. In a deadly chase of cat and mouse, Mackenzie drives herself to the brink to stop him—but even then, it may be too late.A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, BEFORE HE PREYS is book #9 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night.