《瞭望之路:中国广播电视新闻改革研究课题报告》课题组于2005年8月出版了《中国电视新闻从业人员心态录》调查报告之后,又经过了一年多的学习、研究,课题终于完稿,有了一个初步的成果,我们怀着忐忑不安的心情,将这一成果呈献出来,它肯定会有一些不当之处,甚至错误,但却是我们对理论和实践作了认真思考的成果,是我们真实的见解,可以说课题组的师生,是以一颗对中国广播电视事业无限热爱和赤诚的心来对待这一课题研究的,希望中国广播电视新闻事业能对中国的政治改革起应有的作用。Mad World
Mad World is a highly entertaining oral history that celebrates the New Wave music phenomenon of the 1980s via new interviews with 35 of the most notable artists of the period. Each chapter begins with a discussion of their most popular song but leads to stories of their history and place in the scene, ultimately painting a vivid picture of this colorful, idiosyncratic time. Mixtape suggestions, fashion sidebars, and quotes from famous contemporary admirers help fill out the fun. Participants include members of Duran Duran, New Order, The Smiths, Tears for Fears, Adam Ant, Echo and the Bunnymen, Devo, ABC, Spandau Ballet, A Flock of Seagulls, Thompson Twins, and INXS.