作为南都首富的私生子,贝知洛的童年是过着妈不要,爸不疼的日子,终于有一日,贝家长子的意外离世,令他从见不得光一举成为贝家唯一的继承人。 从此他开始与养母斗,处心积虑,步步为营。与妹妹争,刀刀扎心,势必要她俯首称臣。终于他成为了最终的王。 可他却越来越觉得孤独,只有那个他一直割舍不下的小女人还在他身边,可是他还能得到她的心吗? …… 一天晚上,李秋意说:“阿洛,我们要个孩子吧!” 他沉吟了一瞬,忽然笑容便荡漾开来,他用他的大手覆上李秋意闪烁着星光的大眼睛。 然后李秋意听到他说:“傻丫头,你以为生孩子是可以闹着玩的?” 后来,她又听到他说,他的孩子只会由他的妻子生育。 新书《系统重生之房东小姐超甜的》已开,欢迎大家围观~Oppose Any Foe (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 4)
"One of the best thrillers I have read this year. The plot is intelligent and will keep you hooked from the beginning. The author did a superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. I can hardly wait for the sequel."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Any Means Necessary)OPPOSE ANY FOE is book #4 in the bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (book #1)!A small arsenal of U.S. nuclear weapons are stolen from a NATO base in Europe. The world scrambles to figure out who the culprits are and what their target is—and to stop them before they unleash hell on humanity.