Vernon God Little
Hailed by the critics and lauded by readers for its riotously funny and scathing portrayal of America in an age of trial by media, materialism, and violence, Vernon God Little was an international sensation when it was first published in 2003 and awarded the prestigious Man Booker wkkk.net memorable portrait of America is seen through the eyes of a wry, young, protagonist. Fifteen-year-old Vernon narrates the story with a cynical twang and a four-letter barb for each of his townsfolk, a medley of characters. With a plot involving a school shooting and death-row reality TV shows, Pierre's effortless prose and dialogue combine to form a novel of postmodern gamesmanship.Hello,检察官先生
他,帝都皇朝八王爷,用一切的坏得词语来描绘他都不为过,变态,恶棍,魔鬼.他视女人为玩物,视生命为贱草,目中毫无一切。我,名叫平凡,人如其名,平凡如沙粒。大学四年专修心理学,喜好研究一切病态的事物。被隔离了人群,成为了异类。一个前世的召唤,让我的平凡变得不再平凡。“从今天起,你就是我的专人心理大夫!官居五品!”“是!”“.”“求求你,再给我一次机会?”“我已经给你了!”“你说过,不会放弃我的?”“可我也说过,一旦被列入黑名单的人,就是在浪费我的时间!”888888888888888888888声明,本文不是NP.哈哈.乐乐不喜欢NP.推荐:紫树叶子---<妖王暴后>紫树叶子---<总裁的正牌情人>野人乙---《绝代妖娆》http://m.wkkk.net/info/m.wkkk.net惟兮---《离婚以后》Desert Solitaire
First published in 1968, Desert Solitaire is one of Edward Abbey's most critically acclaimed works and marks his first foray into the world of nonfiction writing. Written while Abbey was working as a ranger at Arches National Park outside of Moab, Utah, Desert Solitaire is a rare view of one man's quest to experience nature in its purest form.Through prose that is by turns passionate and poetic, Abbey reflects on the condition of our remaining wilderness and the future of a civilization that cannot reconcile itself to living in the natural world as well as his own internal struggle with morality. As the world continues its rapid development, Abbey's cry to maintain the natural beauty of the West remains just as relevant today as when this book was written.