广州中医药大学第一附属医院妇产科主任医师叶敦敏,继《怀得上,生得下1》之后,继续将那些你不知道的、想知道的、应该知道的医学知识一一道来,《怀得上,生得下2》助你顺利完成怀孕生子这人生重要一课!《怀得上,生得下3》这本书通过很多实际病例,对试管婴儿这一孕育技术进行了详细的解读和答疑,帮助读者对此项技术有更全面、更直观的了解,以便读者能合理运用这项孕育技术,实现自己的生育梦想。另外,对育龄夫妻遇到的医学迷思、生理疑难困惑、心理疑问、孕育常识等问题,叶医生也进行了专业而细致的解答。l8r, g8r - 10th Anniversary update and reissue
It's time for a new generation of readers to discover the phenomenally bestselling and beloved series, told entirely in messages and texts. With a fresh look and updated cultural references, the notorious list-topping series is ready for the iPhone generation. First published in 2004 (holy moly!), ttyl and its sequels follow the ups and downs of high school for the winsome threesome, three very different but very close friends: wild Maddie (mad maddie), bubbly Angela (SnowAngel), and reserved Zoe (zoegirl). Through teacher crushes, cross-country moves, bossy Queen Bees, incriminating party pics, and other bumps along the way, author Lauren Myracle explores the many potholes of teenagedom with the unflinching honesty and pitch-perfect humor that made this series a staple of young adult literature.