1966年夏,狂飙突起。四川师范学院外语教师罗忠恕一夜之间被打成牛鬼蛇神,关进牛棚。红卫兵在游斗或开批判会时,勒令他穿劣质西服,歪系领带,挂上“反动学术权威、洋奴、卖国贼”的黑牌,低头示众……历史与人开了个大大的玩笑。上世纪三四十年代,罗忠恕任华西协和大学文学院院长,多次游学欧洲,曾在东西方文化交流的舞台上扮演过重要角色,但他从不穿洋装。晚年钱穆写道:“忠恕留学英国,闻即终年御长袍不穿西装。漫游欧美归后,仍穿长袍。Transmission (The Invasion Chronicles—Book One): A
"TRANSMISSION is riveting, unexpected, and firmly rooted in strong psychological profiles backed with thriller and sci-fi elements: what more could readers wish for? (Just the quick publication of Book Two, Arrival.)"--Midwest Book ReviewFrom #1 worldwide bestselling fantasy author Morgan Rice comes a long-anticipated science fiction series debut. When SETI finally receives a signal from an alien civilization, what will happen next?A 13 year old boy, dying of a rare brain disease, is the only one able to hear and decode signals from outer space. SETI confirms it is a real signal.What is the message? How will the world react?And most of all: are the aliens coming?"Action-packed …. Rice's writing is solid and the premise intriguing."–Publishers Weekly, re A Quest of Heroes"A superior fantasy… A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists."智能时代
本书的创作来源于作者杰夫·霍金斯的两大热爱,作为一名成功的计算机工程师和企业家,杰夫·霍金斯因创办了Palm Computing和Handspring两家公司而声名在外,而他个人更重要的兴趣在于大脑。在《智能时代》这本书中,作者将计算机与大脑两个领域的研究结合在一起,从大脑的细节处探究与解析人类智能的本质。这是一本简单、直观解释大脑的书,作者在书中提出“记忆-预测框架”理论,将大脑预测未来的能力作为智能的关键,并探讨了人类如何能建造智能机器,以及智能机器的未来将是什么样子。是有关智能原理的必读书,具有跨时代的意义。