【完结】正史记载:她是厥国皇帝最宠爱的公主,优雅尊贵,国色无双;她是轩国历史上唯一自己脱了凤冠凤袍,休了皇帝的女人,靳帝一夜白头;她是西凉历史上唯一一个二嫁为后的女人,憬帝为她遣散后宫,独宠一人。.然,野史载:她曾被山贼辱,曾百毒缠身,甚至,堕入魔教!.野史还载:曾有高僧断言她是天下的祸水,乱世的开端,憬帝为此烧了寺庙,绝了和尚,乃执政期间唯一的暴政;.野史还还载:与她纠缠不清的岂止是几个皇帝,还有天下第一公子萧轻舟,雪圣宫宫主孟无欢,甚至,那位断言她是祸水的和尚!.民间更是议论纷纷:有仰慕者道:“我曾远远看过辰后,岂止是美艳动人,完全就是仙女下凡!”有龌蹉者道:“能让双国皇帝为之倾倒的,肯定不光脸蛋漂亮,嗯嗯技巧绝对也是一流!”有所谓知内情者道:“辰后羸弱,根本无力嗯嗯!”.其实,不管正史野史如何记载,本书,才是最真实滴…………【此文非一对一,纯情小花勿进!】Once Cold (A Riley Paige Mystery—Book 8)
"A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone)ONCE COLD is book #8 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 900 five star reviews!There is one cold case that has plagued Special Agent Riley Paige for her entire career, dwelling at the corners of her consciousness, forcing her to return to it again and again. The only case she has never solved, she has finally put it out of her mind.Until she gets a call from the murdered victim's mother.