人世间有太多的不完美,可如果重生一次,又将如何选择?熟悉而相同的世界,陌生而充满差异的世界;失败后的再一次失败,第二次重生之后,又将如何选择?——“我并不想得到更多,只想体验完整的人生。”怀着这样一种理念,他重生于另一个平行世界。一个天空仿佛永远都坏绕着阴霾,人心与人心之间仿佛隔着万重大山的世界。——重生大和皇室。对他而言,权谋,是与生俱来的天赋;财富,是唾手可得的事物。当红艺人,财阀公子,贵族小姐,甚至是危险的女杀手……这些一个个出现在他生命中,却又转瞬即逝的身影,最后都成为了登上最高王座的阶梯的一阶。昭和,平成;在那之后的新纪元,将会由谁来命名。烟火散去,夜空重归平静……原来最为美丽,和一直都陪伴在自己身边的,从来都只有那一弯明月。……Transmission (The Invasion Chronicles—Book One): A
"TRANSMISSION is riveting, unexpected, and firmly rooted in strong psychological profiles backed with thriller and sci-fi elements: what more could readers wish for? (Just the quick publication of Book Two, Arrival.)"--Midwest Book ReviewFrom #1 worldwide bestselling fantasy author Morgan Rice comes a long-anticipated science fiction series debut. When SETI finally receives a signal from an alien civilization, what will happen next?A 13 year old boy, dying of a rare brain disease, is the only one able to hear and decode signals from outer space. SETI confirms it is a real signal.What is the message? How will the world react?And most of all: are the aliens coming?"Action-packed …. Rice's writing is solid and the premise intriguing."–Publishers Weekly, re A Quest of Heroes"A superior fantasy… A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists."高阳版《胡雪岩全传》6