Amphibians' End (A Kulipari Novel #3)
Watch the Netflix original series based on the books starting September 4, 2016! The future of the Amphibilands has never looked so bleak. With Lord Marmoo still maniacally bent on taking over the outback, Darel can't fathom why the Rainbow Serpent wants him to lower the Veil, the Amphibilands' only source of protection. But the Serpent's message is clear, and in preparation for the inevitable battle, Darel and the Kulipari go in search of someone—anyone—to fight on their side. In their travels, the frog warriors make a perilous discovery: the outback's water supplies are mysteriously disappearing. With the odds stacked against them, Darel and the Kulipari must take one final stand to protect their home, before it becomes … the Arachnilands. The Kulipari trilogy comes to its thrilling conclusion in this action-packed adventure by Trevor Pryce and acclaimed comics artist Sanford Greene.现在的泪,都是当年脑子进的水
写给迷茫、走过弯路的你,让你脑袋开窍,人生不再迷茫后悔。本书探讨了关于能力、选择、行动、情绪、人脉、心智六大最影响我们的工作和生活的问题:天赋和努力究竟哪个更重要?一万小时定律真的有效吗?到底应该加快脚步还是享受慢生活?抱怨就不对吗?不自信的人就不容易成功吗?人脉需要设计吗? 独特才有个人魅力吗......学会自己判断和选择,你才不会总为自己的错误追悔莫及。没有过不去的坎儿,没有走不直的弯路。平衡轮、时间轴、四象限、金字塔,四大思考工具帮助你真正掌握自己的工作和生活!