《只要会呼吸,就能做冥想》中,美国克利亚瑜伽大师托宾·布莱克跟我们分享了他的冥想秘诀,告诉我们如何从头开始练习冥想,如何安排时间和姿势,如何调整呼吸,如何应对冥想过程中包括“走神”在内的各种障碍,如何进入深度冥想,达到“无牵无挂的慈悲”境界,感受个体生命与宇宙的交流……通过100天简单易学的练习,托尼·布莱克会让你发现,冥想是上天赐予每个人最珍贵的礼物,哪怕没有一丝基础,你也可以轻松上手,体味冥想带给你的深度愉悦和持久宁静!Burial at Thebes
Commissioned to mark the centenary of the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in 2004, The Burial at Thebes is Seamus Heaney's new verse translation of Sophocles' great tragedy, Antigone - whose eponymous heroine is one of the most sharply individualized and compelling figures in Western drama. Faithful to the 'local row' and to the fierce specificity of the play's time and place, The Burial at Thebes honours the separate and irreconcilable claims of its opposed voices, as they enact the ancient but perennial conflict between family and state in a time of crisis, pitching the morality of private allegiance against that of public service. Above all, The Burial at Thebes honours the sovereign urgency and grandeur of the Antigone, in which language speaks truth to power, then and now.若能再度拥抱【大结局】