Fish (Sheila Lukins Short eCookbooks)
For over twenty years, PARADE food editor, writer, and chef Sheila Lukins has inspired would-be chefs across the country with her accessible and easy-to-prepare Simply Delicious recipes. This e-cookbook is a compilation of Sheila's favorite chicken recipes from her time at PARADE, written with the busy home cook in mind.In addition to dozens of creative and succulent chicken recipes, this book provides an easy tutorial on how to roast the perfect chicken and carve poultry at the table. Readers get plenty of delicious and fun ideas for jazzing up a weeknight chicken dinner or creating the perfect special-occasion meal—that are sure to delight the entire family.做人做事做生意(大全集)
《做人做事做生意大全集(超值金版)》趣味盎然,具有很强说服力和启发性。如果你希望命运出现转机,享受成就事业的快乐,那么请你遵循《做人做事做生意大全集(超值金版)》提供的意见和技巧,剖析自身的性格,剖析自己待人处事的方式、方法,重新检查自己的经营思路,将你的优点发扬光大,摒弃那些陈旧、固执、不合时代发展的缺陷。从此,你将成为一个面目一新的人,你的人生、事业也会随之出现新的局面。A Topps League Story
Umpire Solomon Johnson is squeezing the strike zone and throws out both the Pine City Porcupines starting pitcher and manager "Grumps" Humphrey for arguing the call. Chad tries to make peace by giving Solomon a rarely issued "umpire card"—but the ump blows his top. He thinks Chad is making fun of his weight. It's going to be a long nine innings!