1-12卷将重置,1-6卷已完成,随缘更新第15卷。 王者荣耀大唐世界观同人改编:主时间线包括长安、长城、海都、日落圣殿、东瀛。一千年前时间线包括玄雍、稷下。王者大陆,人与魔的种族之争即将再次展开。长城屡遭魔种进攻,长安也时常发生异事。一切恩怨与对立都在长城关市之变中爆发。长城长官苏烈与玉城少城主晟惨遭冤枉,而西域千窟城也被魔种屠戮。幕后黑手究竟何人?他的目标又是什么?长安城治安官狄仁杰,终将联手将门虎女花木兰,一起聚集长城的英豪,共同调查幕后黑手,并面对未知的危机。除了长安与长城之外,远在王者峡谷以西的海都和日落圣殿以及东方东瀛岛,都无法避免危机。当种族的战斗开始,没有一个人类能够回避。 人魔世界,千年恩怨,存亡一役,即将开战。Pink & Green Is the New Black
Lucy Desberg is in eighth grade, and she's determined to make this year perfect. Over the course of the year, though, her talents for makeup and problem-solving will be put to the wkkk.net the outside, things couldn't be better: her family's spa is doing well, and she has a boyfriend, Yamir. But Yamir's in high school now, and Lucy's too embarrassed to admit that he hasn't called her in weeks. To take her mind off him, she throws herself into planning the eighth-grade masquerade, using her makeup skills to rally her classmates. But as she soon learns, ignoring a problem does not make it go away. It's destined to pop up at the worst possible wkkk.net's resourcefulness will be put to the test as she grows up and starts making decisions about the type of person—and girlfriend and friend and daughter and sister—that she wants to be.