推荐一本新书《夫婿养成攻略》,这本书挺有意思的,搜索书名即可,么么哒!~八年前,她是性子软弱的庶女,嫡姐嫉恨她的美貌,嫡母送她去家庙,八年后,她是恶名昭彰的魔宫大小姐毒姬,正打算顺手教训渣爹毒母,却反而被渣爹当成礼物送给周王朝的鬼王。她正愁怎么接近鬼王,不如就顺了渣爹的意吧,不过,别以为这样她就会放过那些害过她的人了!大红的红盖头被人掀起,她巧笑倩兮的看着眼前的鬼王,似乎对方是一具供她研究的尸体,但是为毛对方的眼神也流露出一股不同寻常的气息?鬼王不应该面容丑恶恐怖吗?眼前这俊美如铸的美男又是谁?The Infinite Moment of Us
For as long as she can remember, Wren Gray's goal has been to please her parents. But as high school graduation nears, so does an uncomfortable realization: Pleasing her parents once overlapped with pleasing herself, but now … not so much. Wren needs to honor her own desires, but how can she if she doesn't even know what they are? Charlie Parker, on the other hand, is painfully aware of his heart's desire. A gentle boy with a troubled past, Charlie has loved Wren since the day he first saw her. But a girl like Wren would never fall for a guy like Charlie—at least not the sort of guy Charlie believes himself to be. And yet certain things are written in the stars. And in the summer after high school, Wren and Charlie’s souls will collide. But souls are complicated, as are the bodies that house them…