一百年的骚乱,武林中人人自危,江湖再也没有往昔的那种侠骨柔情。朝廷内有八王纷争,外有七族之乱。八王之间,每人都占据着一方,笼络江湖人士,挑起武林纷争。七族之中,各族都虎视眈眈,结成联合大军,妄图吞我大好河山。一个来历不明的小孩,在这乱世中游荡,在纷杂的江湖中兜兜转转。一位失去父母的小孩,背负着重建华山之重担,研习上层武功。一位外族少女,家园被毁,族人被灭,不得不流离失所,在江湖中苟延残喘。三人不期相遇,在这九州之下,如何演绎这悲欢离合、惊世情缘?一场阴谋,已筹划了百年,到底孰是孰非呢?真相大白后,众人都错愕不已。这一切,都随着烟消云散,幻化成一场空。青崖觅白鹿,骖驾登天门!The Voyeur
Mathias, a timorous, ineffectual traveling salesman, returns to the island of his birth after a long absence. Two days later, a thirteen-year-old girl is found drowned and mutilated. With eerie precision, Robbe-Grillet puts us at the scene of the crime and takes us inside Mathias's mind, artfully enlisting us as detective hot on the trail of a homocidal maniac. A triumphant display of the techniques of the new novel, The Voyeur achieves the impossible feat of keeping us utterly engrossed in the mystery of the child's murder while systematically raising doubts about whether it really occurred.