昏迷的兰虎被一头巨鲸吞入肚中,好在幸运地被前往南极冰海寻找宠兽卵的符青青姐弟给救出,兰虎于是在符青青姐弟的捕鲸船上待了下来。兰虎受伤严重,许多经脉淤塞受创,一身暗能量被毁了十之八九,但是兰虎很快发现南极冰海是凝聚冰系暗能量核心的最佳环境……黑暗兽王苏尔与鲲鹏联手劫走封印鼎、放走火鸦,令神兽贪狼十分震怒。神兽贪狼在桃花源中选中了柳远藤、苦丁茶、速影、大力这四个非常具有潜力的弟子,将火鸦的力量赐给他们,命他们组成小队,追击苏尔。苏尔的踪迹在神鹰城出现,四人前往神鹰城,一场与城主府的碰撞势在必行……A Spy at the Heart of the Third Reich
In 1943 a young official from the German foreign ministry contacted Allen Dulles, an OSS officer in Switzerland who would later head the Central Intelligence Agency. That man was Fritz Kolbe, who had decided to betray his country after years of opposing Nazism. While Dulles was skeptical, Kolbe's information was such that he eventually admitted, "No single diplomat abroad, of whatever rank, could have got his hands on so much information as did this man; he was one of my most valuable agents during World War II." Using recently declassified materials at the U.S. National Archives and Kolbe's personal papers, Lucas Delattre has produced a work of remarkable scholarship that moves with the swift pace of a Le Carra thriller.胡乔木传(套装共2册)