著名音乐人、收藏家姚谦二十周年艺术收藏手记,《他们在岛屿写作》团队特别打造同名纪录片同步推出。二十年来,姚谦凭借小康收入和对艺术的一腔热情,陆续收获了众多19、20世纪的艺术珍品,既有西方印象派经典作品,又有常玉、徐悲鸿等东方大师之作。刘小东、蔡国强还在早期创作阶段,他便已收藏。有的青年艺术家,名不见经传之时,就被他慧眼识珠,而后名声大作。本书是姚谦关于艺术收藏文章的结集。作者深入浅出,分享了20年来艺术收藏的宝贵经验。从如何买下第一幅作品,到找到属于自己的收藏方向;从学习辨别纷繁的艺术市场信息,到巧妙避开热门寻找突破。他的文字见解独到,心得丰富,即使是普通读者,也可从中一窥收藏的奥秘。Sweet Treats & Secret Crushes
When a blizzard threatens to ruin Valentine's Day, three seventh-grade friends make and distribute fortune cookies to their lonely neighbors—and confront the secrets they've been keeping from one another. Confident Kate doesn't notice much but the latest gossip, and shy Georgia can't say out loud what's always on her mind. They're joined by observant, careful Olivia, whose epic, single-minded crush on PBJ (real name: Phillip Becker-Jacobs) is starting to frustrate them. Using fortune cookies that mysteriously always seem to speak directly to the person who opens them, the three girls try to work together to bring some love to their building while reminding each other why they're such good friends to begin with.