商海博弈必读胡雪岩,官商策略,商战权谋打造一代红顶商人;为人处世须学曾国藩,内圣外王,传统智慧成就一代中兴名臣。为官经商、创业投资、突破困局、持家教子……让我们在曾国藩、胡雪岩的传奇人生中找到最传统的中国式智慧。Suicide Blonde
Vanity Fair called this intensely erotic story of a young woman's sexual and psychological odyssey "a provocative tour through the dark side." Jesse, a beautiful twenty-nine-year-old, is adrift in San Francisco's demimonde of sexually ambiguous, bourbon-drinking, drug-taking outsiders. While desperately trying to sustain a connection with her bisexual boyfriend in a world of confused and forbidden desire, she becomes the caretaker of and confidante to Madame Pig, a besotted, grotesque recluse. Jesse also falls into a dangerous relationship with Madison, Pig's daughter or lover or both, who uses others' desires for her own purposes, hurtling herself and Jesse beyond all boundaries. With Suicide Blonde, Darcey Steinke delves into themes of identity and time, as well as the common - and now tainted - language of sexuality.A First Year in Canterbury Settlement