天文学是观察和研究宇宙间天体的学科,它研究天体的分布、运动、位置、状态、结构、组成、性质及起源和演化,是自然科学中的一门基础学科。 《学科学魅力大探索天文:从望星空到登天》详细介绍了古代天文学的发展、思想成就,以及测量日影仪器表、候风地动仪等天文学科知识。成功100,说话90
在高度协作的世界中,沟通为王。一个人说的话,包含一个人的眼光、胸怀、智力、素养。别人要感知你、了解你、信服你,都是从你的话语中获取信息。你要带领一群人,要带他们去哪里?没有说服力,没有人愿意跟随你。说话是成功者的游戏!书中汇总沟通专家顾风老师10年培训经验的核心精华,抛开常见的教授套路,52个技巧,精准实用,新鲜有趣。每个小节讲述一种说话之道,传输最实用的说话技巧,让你对生活中的沟通规则有一个全新而有益的认识。避免社交尴尬,成功塑造个人形象,以最短的时间掌握说话的精进技巧。在出身、机遇、智力、意志之外,做一个真正的在说话中成功的人。11,002 Things to Be Miserable About
11,002 Things to Be Miserable About is a list of all the reasons NOT to wake up in the morning. Ironically enough, when you put all of them under one cover, it's actually very funny. This decidedly absurd inventory of misery is perfect for sardonic and disaffected youth, for people seeking gifts for Traumatic Event Birthdays (like 21, 25, 30, 40, and, well, anything after 40), and for anyone else with an offbeat sense of humor. Enjoy. Some of the entries are pretty basic, like imitation crabmeat, student loans, and David Hasselhoff, but other entries actually include educational things, like: Dust mites, which make up one-third of the weight of a six-year-old pillow. See, you can laugh and learn.