两晋(十六国)南北朝,是中国历史上最动荡、最黑暗的时期,也是思想最解放、个性最张扬的美学高峰期;同时,它又是中国古代一个伟大的英雄时代。在这迷乱狂欢的三百年间,司马氏灭蜀吴一统天下,“八王之乱”血雨腥风,刘裕开国气吞万里……充斥着刀与火的杀伐,泪与血的呻吟,奸谋的肆行与忠义的沦丧。在这个风起云涌的时代,竹林七贤刘伶醉酒、阮籍傲歌、嵇康抚琴、王衍清谈,名士风流。鲜卑子,汉家儿,羌中杰,氐族雄,羯族豪,匈奴英,弯弓走马,飒爽俊逸,玄言味永,飞鸿荡天,真个是精彩绝伦!各路英雄、豪杰、骚客、奸雄、懦夫、贤媛轮番登场,共同上演了人性化的、非戏剧而恰恰又是最戏剧化的出出“大戏”。五彩缤纷、眼花缭乱之际,那些英雄们的传奇瞬间,不由得令人拍案叫绝,扼腕叹息。The Inconceivable Life of Quinn
Quinn Cutler is sixteen and the daughter of a high-profile Brooklyn politician. She's also pregnant, a crisis made infinitely more shocking by the fact that she has no memory of ever having sex. Before Quinn can solve this deeply troubling mystery, her story becomes public. Rumors spread, jeopardizing her reputation, her relationship with a boyfriend she adores, and her father's campaign for Congress. Religious fanatics gather at the Cutlers' home, believing Quinn is a virgin, pregnant with the next messiah. Quinn's desperate search for answers uncovers lies and family secrets—strange, possibly supernatural ones. Might she, in fact, be a virgin?