Few of Richard Matheson's readers know that he had hopes for writing popular music. At a very early age, Matheson taught himself how to write sheet music, but his family could not afford art supplies and so he had to give up composition. But music never left his mind and when Matheson found a creative new outlet through his writing (cheaper than music, requiring only a pencil and paper), he quickly began composing both prose stories as well as poetry. He picked up music composition again at the age of seventeen, adding music to his poems. Here in Lyrics are the compositions that Matheson created, in publication for the very first time.表达爱:不会爱的父母和渴望爱的孩子
父母都是爱孩子的,但有时候这份爱却滋生了不满、仇视,甚至伤害。当爱被错误表达时,亲情就会出现错位。没有不爱孩子的父母,只有不会爱孩子的爸妈。很多父母面对孩子.不缺疼爱、呵护、关心、经济支持,唯独缺少尊重!在这个被汉堡包和可乐充斥的快餐时代,如何让父母的爱不因忙碌搁浅,不因距离隔绝,不因缺乏沟通葬送?每个家长心中都有答案,去睹口不完美。这是一本给家长标准答案的书,通过阅读孩子的心声,推论出爱最 好的表达方式.通过对孩子的理解,找到一面爱的镜子,折射出沟通该走的路。