《生物化学教学目标考评手册》按单元列出教学目标、考评测试及科学素养读物。教学目标部分对生物化学课程的内容设定了三个不同程度的目标一一掌握、熟悉和了解。“掌握”的内容,要求学生能全面理解,重点记忆并能融会贯通;“熟悉”的内容,要求学生能理解和记住概念与特点;“了解”的内容,只扼要介绍有关知识概念或通过学生自学来认识和理解。11,002 Things to Be Miserable About
11,002 Things to Be Miserable About is a list of all the reasons NOT to wake up in the morning. Ironically enough, when you put all of them under one cover, it's actually very funny. This decidedly absurd inventory of misery is perfect for sardonic and disaffected youth, for people seeking gifts for Traumatic Event Birthdays (like 21, 25, 30, 40, and, well, anything after 40), and for anyone else with an offbeat sense of humor. Enjoy. Some of the entries are pretty basic, like imitation crabmeat, student loans, and David Hasselhoff, but other entries actually include educational things, like: Dust mites, which make up one-third of the weight of a six-year-old pillow. See, you can laugh and learn.你所希望的,终有一天会实现