成功总是垂青于会说话和会处事的人!可以说,会说话会处事是一个女人在生存和竞争中获胜的必备本领。当你真正掌握了说话的分寸、处事的尺度,你就拥有了成功人生的资本,就一定能在事业上取得成功,在人生中找到幸福。一本女人写给女人的成功白皮书、幸福魔法书。事业、生活、恋爱、婚姻、财富、人际……完美地解决女性生活中各项疑难杂症的百科全书。Devil and the Bluebird
Blue Riley has wrestled with her own demons ever since the loss of her mother to cancer. But when she encounters a beautiful devil at her town crossroads, it's her runaway sister's soul she fights to save. The devil steals Blue's voice—inherited from her musically gifted mother—in exchange for a single shot at finding Cass. Armed with her mother's guitar, a knapsack of cherished mementos, and a pair of magical boots, Blue journeys west in search of her sister. When the devil changes the terms of their deal, Blue must reevaluate her understanding of good and evil and open herself up to finding family in unexpected wkkk.net Devil and the Bluebird, Jennifer Mason-Black delivers a captivating depiction of loss and hope.豪门有毒:甜妻,请小心