Four Quartets
Four Quartets is the culminating achievement of T.S. Eliot's career as a poet. While containing some of the most musical and unforgettable passages in twentieth-century poetry, its four parts, 'Burnt Norton', 'East Coker', 'The Dry Salvages' and 'Little Gidding', present a rigorous meditation on the spiritual, philosophical and personal themes which preoccupied the author. It was the way in which a private voice was heard to speak for the concerns of an entire generation, in the midst of war and doubt, that confirmed it as an enduring masterpiece.哈佛家训ⅱ:赢在起点的哲理
本书把最经典的经营理念和生意心得挑选出来,用最浓缩的语言阐释,用最具代表性的案例进行说明,以达到启迪和激励当代青年人的目的。这是一本教你如何做生意的书,但更是一本教你如何做人的书。相信每一个深谙李嘉诚经商之道的人,都能赚到大钱,赚到开心钱。White Castle
"e;The White Castle"e;, Orhan Pamuk's celebrated first novel, is the tale of a young Italian scholar captured by pirates and put up for auction at the Istanbul slave market. Acquired by a brilliant Turkish inventor, he is set to work on projects to entertain the jaded Sultan.