“环保”是旨在强调人与自然的和谐及对自然资源的合理利用及保护。放眼世界,“环保”已是一个备受热议的话题;环境问题,已是不争的事实,是21世纪面临的严峻挑战之一;环境问题解决得好坏是关系到国计民生的大事,这不仅是政府的基本责任与义务,同时也是生活在地球村的每一个公民应尽的职责所在。LAPD '53
James Ellroy, the undisputed master of crime writing, has teamed up with the Los Angeles Police Museum to present a stunning text on 1953 LA. While combing the museum's photo archives, Ellroy discovered that the year featured a wide array of stark and unusual imagery—and he has written 25,000 words that illuminate the crimes and law enforcement of the era. Ellroy o ffers context and layers on wild and rich atmosphere—this is the cauldron that was police work in the city of the tarnished angels more than six decades ago. More than 80 duotone photos are spread throughout the book in the manner of hard-edged police evidence.