赵陌陌和杜亦然在高中时就相互倾心,大学后成为异地恋人,不料杜亦然家庭变故之时,闺蜜陶娉婷精心策划一场误会令原本真心相爱的两人冲动分手。因为杜亦然的骄傲和不够坚定,赵陌陌心生绝望。在经历刻骨铭心的初恋后,赵陌陌开始了一段新的感情,她被身边默默守护的许岳寒感动,接受许岳寒并答应了许家的订婚,婚约却在双方父母见面后意外解除。单身几年,杜亦然不舍旧爱,绝情绝欲,全心投入到事业中。偶然重逢的故友告诉了赵陌陌当初杜亦然与其分手真相,一边是痴心不变的初恋,一边是深情不悔的未婚夫,父辈的爱恨情缘更是将她的爱情拉向不可挽回的深渊,到底女孩的真命天子是谁?她能否找到命运的出口,通往幸福的征途?Magic and Other Misdemeanors (Sisters Grimm #5)
Daphne, Sabrina, and Puck's most magic-filled mysteryThe latest addition to the New York Times bestselling series, which Kirkus Reviews calls "memorable and madcap"In book five of the series, Sabrina and Daphne Grimm are ready to tackle their own case: Who is stealing the magical possessions of the most powerful Everafters in town? With Granny distracted by Mayor Heart's campaign against human residents, the girl detectives are on their own. Puss in Boots (now an exterminator), Cinderella (a radio relationship counselor), Sleeping Beauty (owner of a coffee shop), and their old enemy, Prince Charming, are among the many suspects, and one thing is for certain: The villain's plans mean a grim future for the Grimms—truly!