1Q84 BOOK 3:10月-12月
一部绝爱之书、时代之书、命运之书!在1984年,他们连相遇的机会都没有,只能一面思念着对方,一面孤独地远去。在1Q84年,他们却决定拯救彼此……不管喜欢与否,我们已置身于1Q84年。空气变了,风景变了,规则也变了。我们必须尽快适应这个带问号的世界。像被放进陌生森林中的动物,为了生存,我们必须尽快了解并顺应1Q84的规则。“《1Q84》写一对十岁时相遇后便各奔东西的三十岁男女,相互寻觅对方的故事,并将这个简单故事变成复杂的长篇。我想将这个时代所有世态立体地写出,成为我独有的“综合小说”。超越纯文学这一类型,采取多种尝试。在当今时代的空气中嵌入人类的生命。”——村上春树Prime Ministers Who Never Were
Each of these chapters in this book of political counterfactuals describes a premiership that never happened, but might easily have done had the chips fallen slightly differently. The contributors, each of them experts in political history, have asked themselves questions like: what shape would the welfare state and the cold war have taken if the Prime Minister had been Herbert Morrison instead of Clement Attlee? What would have been consequences for Northern Ireland had Norman Tebbit succeeded Margaret Thatcher? How would our present life be different without New Labour - a name we would never have heard if either Kinnock or Smith had become Prime Minister and not Tony Blair? Each of the chapters in this book describes events that really might have happened. And almost did.