她才这个年纪,就担心养老的问题了。她忧患,是因为她自尊。记得多年前看过她的一篇随笔,写她散步的时候,看见一个体面的老人犹豫之后,终于向着路边食客的一桌剩菜走去。她说,我发誓,只要我活着,绝不让我和我的家人沦落到这等丧失尊严的地步。这种来自敏感的自尊和骨气,让我想起张爱玲,当张爱玲对胡兰成的爱已经濒临乞怜的地步,胡兰成说,她终于不能落到雾数,想要自卫了。敏感自尊的人最怕的,就是这种“雾数”,因此她们会走向决绝。The Wheel Spins
Best known as the basis for Alfred HItchcock's classic film The Lady Vanishes, Ethel White's book The Wheel Spins is a gripping and accomplished work in its own right. The plot is deceptively simple and the premise is classic: a woman meets a mysterious stranger during a long railway journey. It's easy to see in this novel what Hitchcock found so compelling and so well-suited to his particular brand of filmmaking.