《北大社科经典讲座(套装共3册)》精心遴选了北大名师的经典作品,分门别类地加以整理,编校成书,目前已有《北大国学讲座》《北大历史讲座》《北大哲学讲座》三本。《北大社科经典讲座(套装共3册)》所选文章,皆为名师名作,如胡适、朱自清、梁启超、张荫麟、章太炎、辜鸿铭、蔡元培、闻一多、王国维等大师关于国学、历史、哲学的精妙论道。北京大学百年传承,中华文脉千载积淀,一卷在握,了解每个中国人都应该知道的国学常识。Who Goes There?
A distant, remote scientific expedition taking place at the North Pole is invaded by a space alien who has reawakened after lying dormant for centuries after a crash landing. A cunning, intelligent alien who can shape-shift, thereby assuming the personality and form of anything and anyone it destroys. Soon, it is among the men of the expedition, killing each in turn and replacing them by assuming their shape, lulling the scientists one by one into inattention (and trust) and eventually, their destruction. The shape-shifting, transformed alien can pass every effort at detection, and the expedition seems doomed until the scientists discover the secret vulnerability of the alien and are able to destroy it.