一群野猪,瞪着血红的眼睛,一边嗷嗷吼叫,一边翻拱荒坡。它们所到之处,古树应声而倒,麂鹿望风而逃……怪哉!一只黄斑虎却无所畏惧,迎着这群气势汹汹的野猪,耀武扬威地走过来,到相距两三丈远时,黄班虎蓦然驻足,昂首咆哮,其声犹如一个睛空霹雳,震得香炉山摇摇晃晃,使向来以凶猛著称的野猪们也不禁倒退数步!就在野猪们一愣神的当口,黄斑虎已纵身跳入野猪群,后腿立地,一双虎爪在野猪群里飞舞,野猪纷纷倒毙,尖利的哀嚎声、闷沉的哼叫声一时响成一片。几头中了爪又没立时气绝的野猪,四蹄乱弹,骨碌碌地坠落深涧幽谷,跟在后面的野猪见势不妙,落荒而逃。Christmas Forever (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 8
"Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….This is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads."--Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re For Now and Forever)CHRISTMAS FOREVER is book #8—and the finale—in the #1 bestselling romance series THE INN AT SUNSET HARBOR, which begins with For Now and Forever (book #1)—a free download!Winter is coming in Sunset Harbor, and Emily Mitchell is nearing her third trimester. While they continue to develop their new private island, a new opportunity arises—one Emily had never anticipated, and which could change everything.经济学会撒谎:为什么经济学家是靠不住的