揭秘羊皮卷 解剖狼图腾
1973年11月1日,在相沟中学念书的一个学生回村,捎给我一张手写的通知,是公社教育组发出的,让我第二天上午九点到相沟中心小学开会。次日我准时到了那里,在院中见到宋金珂校长,问他开什么会,他笑了笑说:“你去等着,一会儿就知道了。”说着,向一间办公室指了指。我就去那里等。此时在那里坐着的有相沟中心小学的民办教师顾少堂和朱孔芳,有王庄的民办教师孙钦标。过了一会儿,陈庆玉也晃着一米八几的大个子去了。他是圈子联中的民办教师,我读初中时他教数学,上课时高门大嗓,激情澎湃。一会儿,公社教育助理刘少华和中心小学校长宋金珂来了。The Homecoming
Years after the events of Spencer's Mountain, Clay Spencer—Clay-Boy's father—fails to return home on Christmas Eve. Leaving his worried family to keep watch at the homestead, Clay-Boy takes to the snowy Virginia hills in search of his father. Along the way, he meets an irate deer, a threatening county sheriff, a congregation of African-American churchgoers, and two elderly women who happen to be bootleggers. The story of Clay-Boy's search for his father is told with warmth and intensity.Along with its prequel, Spencer's Mountain, The Homecoming was the inspiration for the popular television show The Waltons, which starred Richard Thomas, Andrew Duggan, and Patricia Neal, and ran for nine years between 1972 and 1981. Over fifty years after its publication, this novel still has the power to move and inspire.以笔为枪:重读抗战诗篇