被逆天大神系统连哄带骗,一时失蹄,不慎穿越。想她一代杀手尊主,竟穿到娘胎里?!以强为尊?修炼法则?从娘胎开始!什么?有人给她娘亲下毒想让她胎死腹中?!卧槽,有人故意撞她娘亲,害她不幸早产?没关系,逆天大神系统君轻松搞定!Oh!不幸!众多漂亮庶姐想要害她?恶毒姨娘想要杀她?靠!不许碰我天仙娘亲,不然一巴掌打残你!天才?你小时候被猪亲过么?看到我之后你还好意思自诩天才?才女?你脑袋被猪拱了么?我才华横溢样样碾压完爆你!家世显赫,身份尊贵,容貌虽还没长开,但却不难看出将来是怎样的倾世之颜,修炼天赋嘛……啧啧。What!把她许给当朝太子?!哇哦!少年你肿么辣么美?!看着眼前绝美的小正太······The Painted Bird
Originally published in 1965, The Painted Bird established Jerzy Kosinski as a major literary figure. Kosinski's story follows a dark-haired, olive-skinned boy, abandoned by his parents during World War II, as he wanders alone from one village to another, sometimes hounded and tortured, only rarely sheltered and cared for. Through the juxtaposition of adolescence and the most brutal of adult experiences, Kosinski sums up a Bosch-like world of harrowing excess where senseless violence and untempered hatred are the norm. Through sparse prose and vivid imagery, Kosinski's novel is a story of mythic proportion, even more relevant to today's society than it was upon its original publication.快穿攻略:病娇男主,离远点