她是令人闻风丧胆的佣兵界首领,想不到有一天,不幸的穿越到一个废物公主身上。“刷”当痴傻公主的痴呆的目光,被锐利的眼眸代替,现代佣兵王者降临异世。痴也好,傻也罢,现在既然自己占了这副身体,那当然是:“欺我者死”且看现代佣兵首领,如何在异世一步一步走上权力巅峰,翻手为云覆手为雨。[蓬莱岛原创社团出品][本故事纯属虚构,请勿模仿】Camp Pleasant
This short novel that is told with almost fable-like simplicity: Matt Harper is a first-time counselor at a boy's summer camp when he witnesses a casual brutality that leads to murder. The bullying, gluttonous headman Ed Nolan (who has "reduced Camp Pleasant to a microcosm of the Third Reich") is portrayed as one stereotype that the reader is not sorry to see killed off. Instead, all of our sympathy is reserved for the possible suspects: Merv Loomis, the homosexual counselor Nolan humiliates into quitting; the troubled ten-year-old Tony Rocca; Nolan's meek wife, Ellen; and several others. The setting and tone have the distinct feel of the early 1950s, but a casual reference to actress Catherine Deneuve places the action in the mid-60s or later.