The Black Death and The Dancing Mania
你为所在城市居高不下的房价发愁过吗?参加工作几年了,你对自己的职位和薪水满意吗?当初离开家乡或是走出校园时,你梦想着要干一番事业,现在成功了吗?你曾经心仪的对象,跟随于你,还是成了别人的眷属?你想要结束单身生活,可又找不到合适的另一半,怎么办?……生存难、发展累、梦想远,有时候忽然心灰意冷,自己看似像哲学家一样解答着人生的重要课题,可你却是一个很累的哲学家。面对锋利的生活场,是听天任命、得过且过,还是想方设法走出困境。其实,没有解决不了的问题。Shadow of Apollo
When her gorgeous stepmother, Sylvia, makes plans to marry Glavcos Kyrou, an older, wealthy Greek gentleman, Jenny can't help but disapprove. Glavcos is domineering and arrogant--and Sylvia is clearly only after his money. Glavcos'son, Daros, is devastatingly handsome--and Jenny falls helplessly in love. But Sylvia is not immune to Daros'undeniable magnetism, and soon she has her eye on the son rather than the father. Sylvia always gets the man she wants--this time, will she take Jenny's?