她身为女娲后人必须背负着历史的使命,只有褪去红妆身披战甲,保国家的一丝安定。他身为南诏国当朝太子,因为皇位之争遭遇陷害,不得不卷入两国之争。她成为了他跟前的“红人”,是受万人瞩目的“白虎将军”,归朝之后亦然被皇帝提拔为王爷,赐名“武安王”。一场突如其来的战争,使得原本毫无交集的二人相遇,相知。原本都以为自己可以割舍这份情谊,却不想早已儿女情长!灾难始终降临于南诏国,此二人义无反顾的选择了守护,可结局却不尽人意……南诏城外溪边,静静站着一抹孤零零的倩影,珺芙缓缓闭上双眼,回想着从前的种种,最终眼角溢出了一行泪水。微风拂过,脑海中熟悉的声音戛然而止,珺芙蓦然回首,君已不见……The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget
In The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget, Josh Dorfman takes you inside the latest developments in green living to demonstrate how you can easily and affordably have your designer jeans and your planet too. From raising eco-conscious kids to greening your daily commute, Dorfman provides insights into the next wave of green innovation and the products and services that will lighten your planetary impact and lower your expenses. Find bargain basement deals on stylish organic bedding and bamboo furnishings at the largest retailers in the world. Score instant rebates on everything from compact fluorescent light bulbs to energy-efficient air conditioners. And earn reward points for carpooling with friends.?In a time when many people are feeling financially restricted, The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget is your guide to effortlessly saving the planet while keeping some extra cash in your pocket.