本书结集科幻鬼才菲利普·迪克最具代表性的九个短篇:《第二代》、《冒名顶替》、《规划小组》、《少数派报告》、《战争游戏》、《啊,当个布洛贝尔人!》、《死者的话》、《全面回忆》和《电子蚂蚁》。菲利普·迪克以其独特的文风和光怪陆离的想象在美国科幻黄金时代独树一帜。他的短篇小说情节跌宕,很多故事的架构都勘称一绝。Cause to Fear (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 4)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense: CAUSE TO FEAR (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 4).When a body turns up floating beneath the frozen Charles River, the Boston Police summons its most brilliant and controversial homicide detective—Avery Black—to close the case. It doesn't take Avery long, however, to realize that this is no isolated murder: it is the work of a serial killer.Other bodies begin to turn up, all of them sharing one thing in common: all are trapped in ice. Is it all a coincidence—or the signature of a particularly deranged killer?天才狂妃:妖孽邪王,轻点宠
凤夕陌,凤家废物,奇丑无比,整个凤家的耻辱,整个天奇大陆的笑谈,可这些流言在现代杀手夕陌穿越而来就注定了终结,为何?因为她是金牌杀手,武学天才,天之骄女,犯我者,必诛之。“你是谁,干嘛跟着我”“我是你相公,我喜欢你,所以跟着你”人家一穿越是捡宝贝,怎么我一穿越是捡相公? 书群:649157895