为了生一个聪明健康的宝宝,面对怀孕,女性应该如何去做呢?怎样才能使孕期生活更完美,家庭生活更幸福呢?这是每一位育龄妇女都必须面对的现实问题。只有这些问题得到解决,才能顺利度过孕产期,既可以生一个聪明健康的宝宝,又无损自身的健康,为此,我们编撰了次书,旨在帮助广大育龄妇女科学怀孕,健康度过孕产期。本书从准妈妈的角度出发,以生一个聪明健康的宝宝为目的,为保证母子平安而科学全面地论述了怀孕条件、孕前生活、孕期变化、营养饮食、生活保健、异常护理、安胎养胎、科学胎教、产前检查、分娩等方面的问题,让每一位准妈妈都明白这样一个道理——保护好自己就是保护自己的孩子。The Dawn is Golden
Forced to accept the blame for a robbery, Melanie Grayshott's choices are limited--and she's desperate to hide from the police. When handsome and wealthy Vidas Loudaros offers her a chance to escape, she jumps at it.But Vidas' help comes at a price. He's willing to hide her on his opulent, private Greek island--but she must become his mistress. Vidas' dark, arrogant good looks are more than tempting--and his caresses set her blood on fire. But can Melanie truly surrender to a man who demands she trade her innocence for his protection?犀利王妃:单挑冷魅王爷