九天之外,离恨海边,有一仙境,亭台楼榭,玉树琼花,紫气迎其上,清泉石上流,看不尽的鲜花神草,品不完的玉液琼浆,赏不够的良辰美景,说不尽的神采飞扬。原来这里就是掌管世间风月的仙姑警幻仙子的住处……太虚幻境。太虚幻境里面住着的都是些翩跹女儿,有的是早就成仙的,有的是正在修炼的。有的是花精草魂,有的是肉身飞升。警幻仙子本就是个不落世俗之人,心中完全没有了红尘中的情爱,只剩下一颗惦念天下女儿的慈悲之心……The Boy with 17 Senses
Every resident of the planet Yipsmix has synesthesia —they don't just hear sounds; they see and taste them, too. On this unusual planet, poor Jaq Rollop must save his family's farm. To do so, Jaq is forced to sell his beloved pet and only friend. Trusting and wkkk.net, Jaq gets swindled into trading his pet for a seemingly worthless key. But then something very strange happens. The key leads Jaq through a wormhole to a terrifying and magical land full of riches, overwhelming sensations, and giants. The name of this frightening land? Earth. This clever middle-grade fantasy will appeal to fans of the Sisters Grimm, A Tale Dark & Grimm, and the Land of Stories series.